Through God’s Eyes
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
-Albert Einstein
When looking through God’s eyes, everything is beautiful. Every little thing is a perfect picture, a painting created by the most masterful of artists. A tree is a sublime work of art, a bird a miracle … and as it flies away, the Universe speaks through the beat of its wings, saying all that has ever needed to be said.
The gentle sting of a cool breeze on the cheek is testimony, as is the waving of the grass and leaves in response. The kiss of the sun upon ones face is perfection, and it belies the larger and grander mechanisms at work.
Walking upon the earth on any day, life is felt, seen, smelled, tasted, and heard through the senses, the physical feelers of manifest creation. And in that delicate place where these senses blend into one, life is experienced in a real and tactile way. This is where perception lives.
We are cells of awareness so the Universe may know itself. All is connected in ways sometimes seen but usually not. Every note sung by one’s soul combines with another somewhere to form a chord of cosmic music, and together with countless others, these combine to form a divine symphony. This symphony is the music of the Universe, of God. It is the soundtrack of life and Love.
As we travel about this world, our task is to create, manifest, reaffirm, and express this—for ourselves, for one another, and for all of creation and beyond. This is our mission. This is our reason.
When we see through God’s eyes, we appreciate all we are beyond all we once thought ourselves to be. We see truly and without judgment, and by seeing with the clarity of God, we see completely.
(Excerpted from A Gentler Path)