Just look up.
Perspective is never far away.
In this magnificent and infinite Universe, with all the life that must be out there, all the matter and energy, and all the vastness, how is it that somehow, against seemingly impossible odds, we manifested here and now as awareness- as sentient, loving, thinking, and breathing beings, shards of congealed energy and light, wrapped around this molecular intelligence we call DNA. Think of the miracle of our existence and what it took for us to come together at this time on this glorious rock hurtling through the cold emptiness of space. Think of the gift we’ve been given to have these bodies, hearts, and minds, and this world, to explore ourselves and each other to realize the beauty of who and what we are. We are each part of the light we see when we look up at night, my friends. Can we honor that? Can we be quiet of mind and simply be aware of this perfection?