The Game
We may not all be in the same boat, but we are in the same storm.
The way things are these days, one cannot help but feel a certain lack of control. There is a sense the rocky shore may be near. It’s as if we are in a dinghy at sea amid a powerful storm, and it is thrusting us God knows where, without any plan or concern for where we may land.
There is an energy of discord, dissatisfaction, and discontent pulsating throughout the world- it is difficult not to get caught up in it. The bickering and conflict seem endless and unstoppable, driven by an unseen force. It’s natural to feel helpless sometimes.
Friction is everywhere: between global powers, neighbors, political parties, races, religions, and between governments and their people. Sides are being taken, lines are being drawn, and one can sense it is accelerating toward something. Where friction exists, so does heat. All that is needed is a spark.
It’s ridiculous.
We humans over-complicate life so much. We incarnated here, as both the creator and created, to see and experience the creator in the created. We see the creator in the deer, the butterflies, and in the sunset and sunrise, but we know the creator best when gazing into another’s eyes.
Division is false, an illusion: race is non-existent, a human construct, and a painful one at that. The consciousness from which all arises, including you and me, is ONE. I look out my window- does the butterfly judge the dragonfly? The deer, the squirrel? Does the oak judge the maple? No, they coexist and simply accept their gift and live. They just are.
So, what is the lesson? That division, judgment, and discrimination of all kinds induce pain and suffering, and from this, violence will undoubtedly arise. When we forget the “other” is but another part of us, pain and suffering are inevitable.
This creation is one of polarity, we live and learn by experiencing good and bad, and within this contrast, we discover our true selves and the nature of our reality. And if we are learning this, all is well; we will be OK. In other words, we understand what Love and oneness are by experiencing all they are not. And right now, we are plainly seeing this. But, it pays to remember that good, one way or another, will always arise from bad.
The world appears broken; I can’t fix it, and neither can you, but the evidence of Love, beauty, and unity is everywhere; you need only foster a desire to see it. We see what we believe, not the other way around. The key to staying sane is finding beauty in the madness. I assure you it is there.
We don’t have to participate in the drama; we can choose to be swept away by it or not. How much you want to play the game is up to you. Because a game is all it is.